Tutorial On How To Get An OpenAI API Key

To get your own OpenAI API key, follow the steps below:

1. Create an OpenAI account

If you don't already have an OpenAI account, navigate to the OpenAI Platform Webpage.

You'll find a "Sign Up" button at the top right corner of the website. Click it and fill in your details to create your account.

OpenAI  Platform Page

2. Verify your account

After signing up, you'll receive an email from OpenAI to confirm your account. Open the email and click the verification link.

3. Log into your account

Once your account is verified, return to the OpenAI website and click the "Log In" button. Enter your username and password.

OpenAI Login Screen

4. Navigate to the API section

After logging in, in the top right corner of your screen, you'll see your account name. Click it to open a dropdown menu and select "View API keys."

View API Key

5. Generate a new API key

In the API keys section, you'll find a button that says "Create new secret key." Click it to create a new API key.

Create new Secret key page

A popup will appear, asking you to name your secret API key. Make sure to choose a name that helps you remember its purpose. After naming it, click the "Create secret key" button.

Give Secret key a name popup

6. Save your API key

You'll now see the generated secret key. Copy it, we'll need it to paste it in PulsarChat later. Remember to keep it secure because you won't be able to retrieve it later for security reasons. This key is essential for authenticating your applications with OpenAI's services.

Copy the generated secret key popup

7. Set up billing

OpenAI charges for API usage, so if you haven't set up a payment method, your newly created API key won't work. To do this, click "Billing" in the left menu, then select "Payment methods."

Set up billing page 1

On the payment methods screen, click "Add payment method." Enter your credit card and billing details in the pop-up box, then click "Submit."

Set up billing page 2

A box will pop up where you can enter your credit card and billing details. Click Submit once you've entered your information.

Set up billing page 3

8. Set usage limits

Now that billing is set up, it's wise to set usage limits to control your monthly spending on the API. Click "Usage limits" on the left menu, enter figures for hard and soft usage limits, and click "Save."

Set usage page

You now have OpenAI API Key that is ready to be used. Read further to learn how can you use this key with PulsarChat.

9. Open PulsarChat API Key Window

Go to chat.pulsarchat.com and click "API Key" (If not visible, open the sidebar)

PulsarChat Homepage

10. Enter API Key

Paste the copied API key in the input box. You can keep your OpenAI Key secure by entering a password, but doing so is optional. If you choose to do so, you'll need to enter the password the first time you open Pulsarchat or reload the page. Click "Save API Keys" to finish.

PulsarChat API Key Window

That's it! You're now ready to start chatting with PulsarChat!